16. Model for approaching parents

An information sheet will be sent home with each participant (adolescent or child), giving details about the study. The information sheet will be translated into the most common languages used by families of eligible children by local collaborating centres.

13/14 year olds: The information letter will be sent home with the adolescent. 13/14 year olds will complete the written and video questionnaires at school and take home Adult questionnaires for parental/guardian completion. However, centres should follow requirements of their local Ethics Committee. It is vital that the child and adult questionnaires are able to be linked in some way See the data coding section and “identifying boxes for office use only” in section 20.

6/7 year olds: The information letter will be sent home with the questionnaires (child and Adult). These are completed at home and returned to school within a set time frame. However, centres should follow requirements of their local Ethics Committee. It is vital that the child and adult questionnaires are able to be linked in some way See the data coding section and “identifying boxes for office use only” in section 20.

16.1  Sample information sheet for parents/guardians of 13/14 year old adolescents

Dear Parents/Guardians

We are inviting you and the class that your son/daughter is in, to take part in an important survey about child health. This has the approval of your school, and we would appreciate your assistance. Many schools in (your centre name) are taking part in the study and all the children in his/her class are being asked to take part. Your son/daughter will be asked to complete a questionnaire in class and then watch a 6 minute video about various forms of exercise and breathing. They will be asked to complete 5 short questions on what they have seen while the video is running. This process will take up to 40 minutes of class time.

We would also appreciate your participation by completing the Adult questionnaires that your son/daughter brings home. If there are two parents/guardians living at home with your son/daughter we would appreciate each of you completing a questionnaire. If there is one parent/guardian at home we only expect one copy of the questionnaire to be completed and returned to school. If more than one child in your family has bought home Adult questionnaires for completion, we would be most grateful if you could please return the completed questionnaires together WITH the blank copies back to your child’s school with ONE child as we need both the completed copies and blank copies for our records. Thank you.

This survey is being carried out in randomly selected schools in other (your country name) centres and many overseas countries (more than 100 countries are expected to participate). The (your centre name) survey is funded by (your funding source).

We ask you to consider this information sheet, and if you agree to your son/daughter taking part in the survey, then you do not need to take any action. Your questionnaires and your child’s questionnaire will be treated confidentially; only a code number will be entered in the computer. The consent form and questionnaires will be kept in a locked filing computer for 6 years in accordance with local Ethics Committee requirements.

If you or your child does not wish to participate, please telephone the number listed at the bottom of this page.

This survey has the approval of your child’s school’s Board of Trustees, Principal and Teachers. It also has the approval of the (your ethics committee name) Human Subjects Ethics Committee, the Chair of which you can contact directly with any enquiries, phone xxx xxxx.
If there is any further information you require about the study, please contact one of us.

Yours sincerely


Ethical Approval statement from your ethics committee: For example


16.2  Sample information sheet for parents/guardians of 6/7 year old children

Dear Parents/Guardians

We are inviting you and your child to take part in an important survey about child health with the approval of your school, and would appreciate your assistance. Many schools in (your centre name) are taking part in the study and all classmates of your child are being asked to take part. For each child, a parent/guardian is being asked to complete a questionnaire about their 6/7 year old. We are also asking parents/guardians to complete a questionnaire about their own health (Adult questionnaire).

If more than one child in your family has bought home Adult questionnaires for completion, we would be most grateful if you could please return the completed questionnaires together WITH the blank copies back to your child’s school with ONE child as we need both the completed copies and blank copies for our records.

This survey is being carried out in randomly selected schools in other (your country name) centres and also in many overseas countries (more than 100 countries are expected to participate). The (your centre name) survey is funded by (your funding source).

We ask you to consider this information sheet, and if you agree to take part in the survey, then we would appreciate you completing and returning the attached questionnaires. There is a questionnaire about the health of your child and we would appreciate it if one parent/guardian could complete this. In regard to the enclosed Adult questionnaires, if there are two parents/guardians living with your child we would appreciate both of you completing a questionnaire about your own health. If there is one parent/guardian at home we expect one copy of the questionnaire to be completed and returned to school. You and your child’s questionnaires will be treated confidentially; only a code number will be entered in the computer. The consent form and questionnaires will be kept in a locked filing computer for 6 years in accordance with local Ethics Committee requirements.

This survey has the approval of your child’s school’s Board of Trustees, Principal and Teachers. It also has the approval of the (your ethics committee name) Human Subjects Ethics Committee.

If there is any further information you require about the study, please contact one of us.

Yours sincerely


Ethical Approval statement from your ethics committee: For example


Note: This manual has been updated as of 10 September 2015. If you visited or downloaded the manual before this date, please replace it with this latest version.

Note: If the pdf opens in an internet browser rather than with Adobe Acrobat Reader, in some browsers some of the formatting may not display correctly - for example the boxes in section 20.1 may not show up. If you have difficulty viewing the pdf document in your browser, please right click the link above and choose "save link as" from the list of options. This will allow you to save the pdf to your computer and open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Attention GAN Collaborators

Our network has been targeted by an email scam. If you receive any unusual requests for assistance from any of the steering group members, please ignore it.

These emails are a common scam that has also targeted many other organisations. Please note we will never make any request for financial assistance from our collaborators. If you have any questions please contact us at info@globalasthmanetwork.org