Global Asthma Network Publications

This database holds citations on all publications which are part of the Global Asthma Network collaboration. There are currently GAN publications.(see Global Asthma Network publications policy)

Commercial search engines such as PubMed, ISI web of Science, Ovid Medline or Scopus can only find the authors listed in the writing group of the paper. If you are a co-author as part of a GAN study group listed at the end of the paper, these search engines may not pick this up. However, if you are listed in the study group, you are entitled to cite such papers as an author.

As the GAN database includes only GAN papers, we have developed the website to include these papers in an author search. Please use the author field below to check that your publications have been listed correctly. Please contact Eamon if you have been omitted or included in error.


Title (or any word in title)
Year From: To:
Phase / Category

Attention GAN Collaborators

Our network has been targeted by an email scam. If you receive any unusual requests for assistance from any of the steering group members, please ignore it.

These emails are a common scam that has also targeted many other organisations. Please note we will never make any request for financial assistance from our collaborators. If you have any questions please contact us at